Maximizing the Potential of the Map
The FLOODMAPTOOL has been meticulously designed to allow the determination of flood risk level at a particular place of interest by a fingertip. This pilot study covers 5 Sangkats in Phnom Penh and contains 23 analytical scenarios including climate changes. To fully utilize the tool, please familiarize yourself with the instructions below, detailing the significance of each map icon.
Full Screen
Enter fullscreen mode give you wider view and enhanced convenience, particularly on compact screens such as mobile phones.
Move hover to see Sangkat's name, click this icon to navigate to the Sangkat's location.
Your Live Location
Find your live location by turn on this (blue icon), turn it back off (gray) to have smooth experience when navigate to Sangkat's location.
Use two fingers to zoom the map, and move the map by one finger.